DECM Stammhäcksler


Münch chopmills are sturdy, simple and maintenance reduced constructions which combines an original type crushing machine with a drum type crushing machine into one machine.

From woodlog to sawdust in just 1 Step!

Basis datas:

  • producing first class saw-dust and high-quality wood chips from saw-mill residue, round-log and other scrap wood (hard- and softwood)
  • obtain a homogeneous, powdery product for the subsequent processing steps
  • sturdy design (the whole chop-mill is based on a proven solid steel welded structure which is coping with highest loads)
  • four sides compression method
  • optimum output
  • low maintenance cost
  • minimum of moving noise (approx. 85 decibel).
  • conveyor belts
  • easy to handle control system
  • long-life saw tooth and safety blade
  • self moving 4WD type with high power engine
  • electronic controlled feeder
  • easy and fast spare part knife repairing
